Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 8 ~ Jackie Lee

Hi and Happy Wednesday,

I had another one of those "couldn't stop thinking" nights, which means I've been up forever. Although it kind of sucks that I am not getting any sleep, I am especially appreciating the ideas and clarity I am gaining.

This morning I was thinking about why I am not experiencing the level of success, monetarily, in my life I would like. I was reviewing the ways I have money coming in and decided to make a list of all of the things I am involved in. Here's what the list looked like

  • 8 major programs/projects needing active marketing
  • 7 affiliate programs (off the top of my head)
  • 3 products currently in production
  • 3-5 things that need daily attention to be effective
  • And a toddler who needs attention every 4 minutes or so
Does the saying "Jackie of all Trades . . ." come to mind? It certainly did for me. I began to think about all the people I "know" who have attained the kind of success I hope to enjoy. It occurred to me that they all do one thing and do it really well.

Bill Gates ~ Computers. He doesn't try to be a chef. Donald Trump ~ Real Estate. He doesn't try to build computers. I have noticed myself so far in this challenge that by doing 1 thing, staying focused, results happen.

What I do think is slightly askew for me in this experiment is the lack of focus in promotion. Each day looking for new products, new keywords, new focus. It feels to me like I am not able to give anything my all because I am doing so many things.

I teach a type of marketing called "Vibrational Marketing." The basic crux of my marketing approach is wonderfully expressed in this quote from Richard Bach's book Illusions:

Just be who you are calm and clear and bright. Automatically, as we shine who we are, asking ourselves every minute is this what I really want to do, doing it only when we answer yes, automatically that turns away those who have nothing to learn from who we are and attracts those who do, and from whom we have to learn as well.

To me the "be who you are calm, clear and bright" is the action step. It's the "shuffle your feet" while you pray. If I am experiencing lackof clarity, don't have time, energy, inclination, suffer from information overload, guilt, frustration I can't SHINE who I REALLY AM.

I am light, love, abundance and joy. That is what I want to shine. Those are the people I want to attract, people who want to learn about BEing those things and using them in our day to day lives. People who have more to teach me about it too.

So to make a VERY long story short :) I have decided to add a little experiment of my own to this experiment. I am letting go of actively promoting/working/shining everything but my main business. I am going to be an example of Do one thing and do it well.

This is kind of scary for me for a number of reasons.
  • Worried about the reactions of others ~ letting them down
  • Having to actually stick to one thing ~ don't know if I can
  • Fear of getting bored
Mostly number one really. I am a big piece of the puzzle on a number of projects and I don't want to disappoint anyone or let anyone down. I know this is the right move though, because as soon as I came to this realization this morning I was able to sleep. Too bad it was 6:30a by then and I had to get up. :)

From now on I will be asking myself this question: "Does this directly, in the now, serve my intention to do one thing and do it well?" If it does, then great let's go get it done. If not, I will have to pass.

In that vein, I have asked myself if participating in the 30 Day Experiment serves my intention. It does. I think it is a great action step toward my intention. The only thing I will change is I will only be promoting my one thing, instead of lots and lots of things.

Wow, sorry that was so long, three and a half hours of thought all packed into one post.

Here's how the morning stacked up for me.

  • I wrote an article reviewing an ebook related to my one thing. 30 min
  • I added information about the book on my Newbie Tools Squidoo Lens ~ it's a great product for people new to the internet to read before they get sucked in by amazing sales copy. I thought about adding it to the Online book review lens, but didn't. I may do that later today. 15 minutes
  • Bookmarked and Pinged the lens. 5 minutes
Using Only Wire allows me to post to 15 different bookmarking sites at the same time. It's a one click process ~ after initial setup, which is a pain but worth it in the long run.

Mary K mentioned Pingoat as her favorite pinging site. I happen to like FeedShark. It allows me to send out pings to both blog directories as well as RSS feed directories at the same time.

Well that's enough from me today!!
I'll chat at ya later. Feel free to contact me if you want to talk more about Doing one thing. :)

Jackie Lee

1 comment:

Mary K said...


I'm eager to watch and hear about how it goes...I suspect it will be winning results! ;-)

Oh...and I think you've got something there with FeedShark...I just gotta remember it! ('s about a habit that doesn't serve! ;-))