Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jackie Lee ~ Day 13

Hello Everyone~

It's almost Thanksgiving. We are having everyone to our house for dinner tomorrow, and today I am super Thankful for having more clarity around when I am DONE with my work. It leaves me open to having no guilt about getting off the computer and doing other things ~ like cleaning the house ~ because I know I'm done!!!

Here's how today shaped up.

Wrote one article on Thanksgiving Arts and Crafts for Kids ~ 30 minutes (including research)
Submitted to Ezinearticles and Scribd ~ 10 minutes
Updated Entertain Your Toddler lens at Squidoo ~ 15 minutes
Bookmarked, Pinged and Stumbled ~ 5 minutes

That's it.

Just a quick note on updating Squidoo lenses. There is a firefox extension you can get to help you update your lenses. It is a little button in your toolbar. When you find an article or page you want to add to a lens you just click the button and it will let you choose which lens and which module you want to put it in. It will even let you start a new link module from there. It then saves and republishes your lens. It is a great way to both save things you like, and update your lenses which is an important thing to do if you want to keep them highly ranked at Squidoo.

That's it for me, I'm off to clean the house and get it ready for company.

Have an amazing Thanksgiving holiday. I won't be here tomorrow, but I'll be back on Friday!

Many blessings to you all.

Jackie Lee :)

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