Thursday, December 13, 2007

MySpace Forums vs. Groups

Can you tell I'm feeling FESTIVE today?!?? And where oh where does the time go... I thought I would get this post up before midnight... ah, but no such luck. (or discipline?) ;-)

I know that yesterday (okay, my idea of not look at the dates behind the curtain!) I talked about your ability to start searching for friends via MySpace Groups. Today I want to talk a bit about what I've come to see as some distinctions between the Groups and the Forums over at MySpace. This confuses many people... especially if you're just starting to interact in social communities.

There are similarities between the two and I'm not exactly sure why the creators of this community decided to have both. Each Group at MySpace (and as you noticed in my earlier post there are tens of thousands) essentially has a forum. A forum is simply a place where people gather to express their throughts, views and opinions. Some forums are very general and some forums are quite specific. The forums or groups that designate a specific topic typically have 'rules' or guidelines that state you are expected to stay on topic! Please respect that when you join a group and participate in any kind of forum.

You will have to go check out both Forums and Groups over at MySpace for yourself because this really is an energy thing. In other words, you will find place where you will more... or less... feel comfortable sharing your thoughts. And naturally, the ones that benefit you the most will be the ones you are most comfortable and jazzed about.

One of the things I've noticed, personally, is that following the link on the toolbar called FORUMS leads you to a page listing many categories of forums. And a LOT of people are having conversations in these forums. As a rule (and from my very limited personal experience) the FORUMS are a bit broader in category and topic than the conversations you will find going on in the GROUPS. While one is not particularly better than the other, looking for friends within GROUPS might make it easier to target a more specific group of people who are more likely to be a perfect fit for you and your product or service.

I know people in business, especially newbies, think they want to expose the whole wide world to what they have to offer. I can promise you, based on personal experience as well as the feedback from many very, very successful business owners... the smaller and more concisely you're willing to define and describe YOUR ideal customer/client... the easier and more successful your marketing will be!

And that is why I favor searching for new friends by going to GROUPS over at MySpace. It vastly increases my efficiency in connecting with the people I most want to connect with!

By the way... as you spend time over at MySpace you might have questions or discover a neat trick yourself. If so... I sure hope you'll come back here and post a comment so we can all benefit from it. For instance... I have a question that I meant to ask Jackie today and simply forgot -- what code do we need in order for an image to appear as the image when sending messages to people as we use FriendBlasterPro to request friends?!? I have a funny feeling that people might simply be seeing the link rather than the image so please let us know. Thanks Jackie!

And thank you!
--Mary K

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