Friday, February 1, 2008

SQUIDOO ~ A Winner!

You may have noticed that it's now February 1 --

It's 10 pm in my world and I just noticed that myself! Whoops, time to turn the calendar page. ;-)

So we wrap up the experiment with a big 5 STARS!

Certainly not because I made so much money from my lenses this month (though I DID make some money!! ;-)). It's earned it's stars as a successful 'experiment' because of the wealth of information, tips, tricks and tools that have been discovered in the process of exploration!

That's speaking for me... I certainly hope YOU have found something new for yourself. Whether you were already familiar with or it was brand new to you... I hope you've received some value from tools to various other resources as well as our walk-through of the various aspects of building a squidoo lens!

Hmmm... what will the next 30 Day Marketing Experiment cover?!?

Stay tuned...
--Mary K

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p.s. Happy Ground Hog's day tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Squidoo Resources

Here it is the last day of the Squidoo Marketing Experiment. I have a couple things I want to do today, in addition to my wrap up.

I have been talking to Mary K about why our lenses might not be doing as well as some of the "Squidoo Greats" like Kelly Stone, Tiffany Dow, Lewis Smile. Today I think I may have found the key. I was reading Lewis' blog and went to check out a lens he recommended. On the lens he was talking about tagging tricks. He happened to show a screen shot of his tags from google for one of his lenses. (It happened to be a lens on myspace) I have a lens on myspace that's doing ok, but not super and I wanted to see what the difference was.

Here take a the two lenses.

Mine: How to Add More Friends at Myspace
Lewis': How to Get a Million Myspace friends (1,000,000) (free download)

OK ~ I just noticed I don't even have myspace in my URL. duh. But I think the bigger difference lays in the lens itself.

You will find my lens is kind of boring by comparison. There really is different energy between the lenses. My lens has fairly large modules of text. Lewis' lens has short sweet modules, with added images and some "feature this" modules. Although by the end of the lens I felt really great and even learned a couple things.

I think this is a key point for ME. I am LONG WINDED ~ as a reader of this blog you know. People who search the internet don't come on to find 4 pages of information on any given topic. They go looking for an answer to a question or problem.

It might do me well to learn to get to the point. If you notice on Lewis' lens he asks a question in his title and url. Within his lens he uses the modules as a numbered list of answers to the question. Each of his modules is only a couple sentences long ~ with another piece of the answer to the question. This ends up providing an interesting and informative lens, but small enough pieces the person doesn't get bored and never get to the bottom.

This is really a brilliant idea and from the screen shot of his traffic it's working. I started looking around at his lenses and he employs this technique on many of his lenses.

That's going to be my last tip of the Squidoo Marketing Experiment. If you want to continue to learn about Squidoo I am going to give you some of my favorite Squidoo Blogs. I subscribe to all these RSS feeds and learn quite a bit from them.

Lewis' Blog:
Tiffany Dow's Blog:
Jennifer aka Pot Pie Girl's Blog:

Those are my three favorites and I'm sure you will learn a lot from them.

So now for the wrap up. I did some good research on some new niche ideas. I set up a couple new lenses this month and they are building traffic. I have tweaked some of my old lenses and I am getting even more traffic now. I am making a sale every few days from one of my lenses which is a marked improvement.

I am still wrestling with the ideas of building lenses on what you love vs. doing research and building lenses about what other people love.

I think I have settled on doing lenses on things that interest me, but doing some research to find keywords others are looking for related to that topic. It turns into the best of both worlds.

I imagine if I am interested in something there must be other people interested in it as well. Having some interest and passion around a topic will give a better energy to the lens as I build it. People can feel whether you do something just for the money or for the love.

It never hurts to do some testing though. Build a couple lenses on topics you love, and build some you think will be big hits from your research. Watch your stats and see what happens!!

I look forward to working with you all next month with a new marketing experiment. If you have any questions regarding Squidoo, please don't hesitate to give us a shout and we'll do what we can to get your questions answered.

Jackie Lee

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some Squidoo Freebies

What a fun month it's been. I've learned a lot and hope we've given you a good start to start making money with Squidoo.

Today I thought I'd share some Squidoo Freebies with you.

First is a pdf explaining how to build your list with Squidoo. (we all know how important the all mighty list is right?)

The second is a step by step guide to making money with Squidoo.

The third is a great guide to using Ezine to choose keywords for your Squidoo Lenses.

I hope you enjoy the freebies and learn even more than you have throughout this month. :)

Here you go ~

List Building with Squidoo

Squidoo Profits with

Squidoo Profits Plan


Jackie Lee :)