I spent some time over at
MySpace this weekend just looking for new friends.
I've been playing over at the
MS community off and on for the past year and yet it continues to amaze me how I find new things to check out along
WITH new people to check out! LOL
One of the things that occurred to me today was that it might be valuable to go a bit deeper in sharing with you what may be obvious but often eludes us.
'Marketing' is always and all ways about saying the '
right' thing to the '
right' people at the '
right' time! And I'm not talking about 'right' as any kind of value-based judgment. Yet I think it's really important to recognize that getting into relationship with people and moving those relationships into
FRIENDSHIPS happens when we
share values with others. And we are more likely to make a sale to someone who
feels they know, like and trust us... you know, like a friend.
In other words, a really good marketer knows they don't have a product or service for '
EVERYBODY' and knows that it's not necessary (dare I say possible) to become 'friends' with
EVERYBODY they meet! And that's not a problem because all any of us need do is
offer our brilliant solution (product/service) to the person looking for it when they most want it!
Keep in mind that we will greatly increase our odds of knowing who those people are if/when we take the time to get to know people. This does
NOT have to take a great deal of time, as Jackie shows you with the nifty tools available to
add new friends and it does mean you want to give some thought to jump-starting things by selecting people who share some of your values. Makes sense that
those people may value the same products and services as you...yes?
Understand that one of the things that will reveal a persons values to you is the activities they engage in. We do the things we do because those things support our values. That's not to say we don't all spend a certain amount of energy deluding ourselves about ourselves from time to time so don't get upset with those situations where you believe you've made a good connection with someone only to find out later that we really share very little in common with them.
As an example, you may tell yourself that you truly value reading... yet you rarely read purely for pleasure or personal growth. While you may in fact value '
knowing how to read' you probably
don't really value reading in that case. So searching for others who value 'reading' may not lead you to people who have a lot in common with you.
So give some thought to those 'keywords' you enter when doing a search through profiles over at MySpace. With a bit of honest, authentic soul-searching it will really add to your fun in making friends when you make of point of looking for people who value the same things you value. And MySpace offers so many things that make it a really rich community for making some genuine connections!
FUN my friends,
I appreciate you!
--Mary K
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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* Light