Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More Ways to Add Friends at Myspace

Mary K made a great point yesterday about using groups to find your friends. I wanted to tell you another way I frequently find friends.

If you are using your friend blaster pro software and search on a topic you are given a list of pages matching that keyword. As you saw on yesterday's video frequently the first page is blogs. Blogs are connected to a person's page at Myspace (that means you have one too). If you click on the the link to get to the blog you can then click on the person's profile. Scroll down and take a look at their friends.

If this person's page looks like someone you would like to hang out with, chances are so are their friends! Take a look through their friends by clicking on the "all" link in their friends area and make sure they look like people who are similar to the page you are on, and like people you would like to know! If they are then just click the start button in your friend blaster pro software. It will gather all the IDs from this person's friends.

This is a very quick and easy way to find a lot of friends to easily send friend requests to.

That's it for today ~ tomorrow I'm going to tackle the topic of what to do when you are getting responses to your friend requests, but people aren't inquiring about your business. :) (I still have to work out a couple details in my head) :)

Have an amazing day!

Jackie Lee :)

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