Friday, December 14, 2007

Staying Connected with Myspace Friends

On my Abundance Revolution page I have over 1300 friends. I find it difficult to keep in touch with everyone, and have generally only interacted with people who have messaged me or sent a message in response to something I have sent them.

I have been trying to figure out a way to stay in touch with more of my friends. Today while I was in my "inbox" I noticed there are now photo boxes of my friends who are currently online. How fun. There's a little "send message" link right there on the box.

This makes it easy to take a quick look at their page and familiarize myself with who they are, and then send them a quick hello. Nothing big or fancy, just a quick note saying hello and letting them know I am trying to connect with my friends.

The people who reply I can continue the conversation with. The people who don't reply I may consider deleting from my friends, especially if I have never had a conversation with them. I am debating on whether having so many friends is a positive or a negative. (right now the scales are kind of balanced in my mind)

That's it for today, just one more way to connect with your myspace friends.

Jackie Lee :)

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