Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Promoting Affiliate Products on Your Squidoo Lens

No matter what you are talking about you can bet there is a related product you can sell on your lens. Now I'm not encouraging you to just run out and find products to throw on your lens, but I do want you to understand there are sooooo many more resources to find products to sell on your lens than clickbank.

Clickbank rocks for information products~ like ebooks.

However, what if you have a lens about cooking? Wouldn't it be great to offer some great kitchen tools, bowls, a mixer or whatever you need from the kitchen that's related to your lens?

Didn't think you could do that? Well you most certainly can. I was pretty surprised to find out almost every store you can think of, including Wal*mart and Target have affiliate programs. That gives you the complete inventory of their online store to share with your readers.

I was working on setting up the How to Clean Cloth Diapers lens and I wanted to promote Charlie's Soap which is a great way to clean cloth diapers. I went to the Charlie's Soap website, but saw no affiliate program. I then did a quick google search like this Charlie's Soap + affiliate program. I found there is a kitchen warehouse that does have an affiliate program that also sells Charlie's Soap.

This kitchen warehouse runs their affiliate program through Commission Junction, where I already have a membership, so I just went in and applied. It does take a couple days to get approved for most programs, so it pays to think ahead a little bit.

There are tons of affiliate program directories. You can find them by doing a quick google search for "affiliate program directories".

Some of the ones I belong to are

Commission Junction
Associate Programs

and there are tons and tons more, but you will find Linkshare and Commission Junction have the biggest names around and you will most likely be able to find anything you need to promote on your lens.

Keep your eyes open and when you are talking about something in your lens think if it might do your readers well to be able to purchase it. If it will, you can probably find a way to make it happen.

The other cool thing about promoting affiliate products in your lens ~ you don't have to share the profits with Squidoo. :)

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