Friday, January 18, 2008

What the heck is Plexo?

I was looking around SquidU ~ you know the university of Squidoo :). I found this great article on Plexo I thought I'd share with you. I think people misunderstand or DON'T understand Plexo. If you would like to learn more about how to Squidoo, don't forget the amazing resource of SquidU

What is Plexo, really?

What the heck is Plexo? You've seen it on lenses, you've noticed "Plexo" modules hanging out in your Add Modules function. Well…. according to Seth, “Plexo is social bookmarking meets Digg meets the long tail.”

A Plexo module is an interactive voting module that allows you to do things with your lens, and for your readers, that the regular modules don’t. For example, with a regular module, you can make your very own Top 10 list of great movies or music, or the ugliest cat pictures, or whatever. That's great. Those are your recommendations. BUT, others can’t tell you what THEY think.

By offering favorite movies in a Plexo module, registered Squidoo users can vote on your picks, and even add their own if you decide to let them. Why would you want to use Plexo on your lens?

1. People LOVE lists. They love to take polls and surveys too. This gives them the opportunity to make their opinions matter. Focusing on your readers is just plain smart.

2. If you vote in an especially interesting poll, chances are you'll come back later to see who's winning. No? Sure you would. A-ha! Repeat traffic to your lens. Plexo introduces a new watercooler effect to Squidoo.

3. If you let people "grab" your Plexo, they can take that list and stick in on their blog or site, or even clone it onto their lens. This points more people your way, multiplies the votes on your lens, and positions you as the expert running the poll.

Hint: If you just want to list your own stuff, favorite links, best videos, etc, keep using the standard modules. Plexo is for recommendations that you want to leave open to popular opinion.

Why not add a Plexo Module to one of your lenses today?!

Until tomorrow,

Jackie Lee :)

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