Thursday, December 6, 2007

Myspace ~ Telling Your Story

Hi everyone,

Mary K, I have to say the new "home" startled me a bit when I saw it and I was in the middle of making the video :) I did finally see at the top of the page below the task bar it says "page options" you can change back to the "classic" skin if you choose. I did. I'm slow to warm up to change. ;)

So onward and forward! Today we are going to talk about filling in the "about me" section of your profile. It should be the last thing left to do on your page. This is the section that will make or break your marketing efforts at Myspace.

Quick story. I have had 2 pages up at myspace for a long time now. I have interacted with a lot of people, but NEVER had anyone go from friendship to partnership. None, in all this time. I was on the band wagon that Myspace was dead, there's no sense spending time trying to build your business there.

A few weeks ago I listened to a conference call where they talked about a specific way to fill in your about me section. It's called "my story marketing". As soon as I heard it it made total sense. The conference call speaker stated if you do your about me section this way you will notice a difference within two days. I was a bit skeptical about such a quick turnaround, but the idea itself made perfect sense, so I changed my page the next day. No kidding, within 2 days I had people inquiring about my business from my new story. My other page I haven't changed, still nothing. So this method does work, so please follow the steps and put your story together in this specific order and I imagine you will see the same kind of results I did.

All right, here's the plan:

You are selling you on this page. People will want to join your business because of WHO YOU ARE, so let them know who you are. Here's the steps to writing your story.

  • At the top of your page put in a slideshow of your family, your loves and interests anything that expresses who you are. You can make free slide shows at It’s a quick, easy process. When you are done just copy the code they provide and stick it at the top of your “about me” section.The slideshow accomplishes a couple things, it lets people know who you are, but it also keeps people on your page just a little bit longer. People love pictures.
  • Next you want to build up some credibility. Let people know some of your accomplishments. It doesn’t matter what they are. Remember you are calling the name of people who are like you. No matter what you’ve accomplished it will strike a chord with someone. Somebody out there has probably accomplished the same thing and would like to connect with a like-minded person.
  • From there let people know why you are on myspace. Is it to find like-minded people? Do you live in a rural area and find it hard to meet people? Do you have a spirited child and need to talk to someone else who knows what that means? Cool. Put that out there so people know what you are looking for.
  • Next you are going to talk about your history. What makes you who you are right now at this point in your life? Did you grow up poor? Did you grow up rich? Boarding school? Lots of jobs? No jobs? 1 of 10 kids? Only child? Terrible job drives you to work from home? Talk about how you got here.
  • Then you want to go right into your story. This is the most important part. You want people to know YOU, and what you are about. Tell them. Tell them what you are doing, how it’s going and where you plan to take it. You can be as long winded or brief as you wish, but remember if you are going to be long winded it better be pretty engaging so they will keep reading to the end.
  • Next you find the solution. You had this issue, how did you solve it. Did you find the perfect program? Did you move to Hawaii? What changed to solve the problem or issues you were facing in your life.
  • Last but not least you are going to make a call to action. What do you want them to do? Call you on the phone? IM you? Myspace message you? Send you an email? Well tell them to do it then! Don’t make this a wishy washy feeling statement. You are an expert, so position yourself as such. If you want to change your current experience call me now 555-1414. I can help.
  • Now I add at the bottom a little note that if people are too shy to call they can take a quick look at my business and then call if that makes them more comfortable.

At no point on the page do I mention my business name or what it’s about, no banners, no ads, just MY STORY!! In fact it's important you don't add banners to your page, or ads for your business or affiliate links, as you will be seen as a salesperson, not a "real" person. It’s working for me and I know if you put these steps into action it will work for you as well.

Take a look at my new Myspace page and let me know what you think.

When you get your page all put together, and your story added please comment with a link so we can all see it!!! You will get some link love, as well as more eyes on your page. :) Who knows one of our delightful readers may be looking for YOU!

Have a fantastic day!!

Jackie Lee :)

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