Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 7 ~ Jackie Lee

Good Morning!

I woke up at 4 am today, Spirit help me. Hanna woke up and then just as I got her to sleep the dog started barking, then he quieted down, but my favorite little Idea Fairy showed up. At about 5:30a I decided to stop fighting the ideas and just get up. I thought I could do one or two things and then be able to go to bed.

Right in the middle of what I was doing the ELECTRICITY goes OUT! Yeah, I have that kinda power ya know ;). I live in the middle of nowhere, so when the electricity goes out it is DARK. I stumbled upstairs and cracked my toe on Hanna's slide. As I laid back in bed, the lights came back on. :) Yay.

I am pretty excited about this idea the lovely little fairy brought me last night AND I remember yesterday, and my insight that I need to get this done early.

I dragged myself away from my new project and got to work. It went easily and effortlessly, and here I am posting before 9am with everything done. WOo HOo!!

Here's how the morning shaped up:

Wrote article ~ 30 minutes
Submitted to two sites ~ 15 minutes
Added new article to squidoo lens ~ 15 minutes
Pinged and Bookmarked ~ 5 minutes

Just over an hour today! It's getting easier. I am finding it is helpful to make an overall lens for the topic of the week. It takes much less time to add something to the lens than to start a whole new one each day.

I learned a trick yesterday that allows me to link directly to the specific module of the product of the day! This makes it really nice for this process, because now people don't have to look through the whole lens. You can lead them directly to what you were talking about in your article. Of course they can then look around and see what else you have, ;) but there is continuity from the article.

That's it, now with the work done I'm off to take more inspired action on the new project!

See ya tomorrow, if not sooner.

Jackie Lee :)

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