Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day 9 ~ Jackie Lee

Can you even believe it? It's day 9 already. The first thing I'd like to share today is a celebration share. I made another sale yesterday!!! Woo HOO That's another $12.00. All of the traffic to that product is coming through my How to Create Backlinks lens at squidoo. I think this is kind of interesting because I also have this product on my Add More Friends lens and it is not doing anything over there. This tells me a couple things. Keywords really matter and the mindset of your consumer matters as well. People looking for backlinks are more likely to want to add a lot of backlinks than someone who is just looking for basic Myspace info.

WOW another bit of celebrating. I just googled my keywords for this lens with NO quotes. How to create backlinks, and my squidoo lens is number 1 out of 1,850,000 listings.!! woo hoo. Well that really shows the method works. AND you really have to choose your keywords well. Which I must admit is my least favorite part and I don't always do such a great job of researching them. But, How to create backlinks was a winner!!!

I'd also like to mention another reason why I think this product sells. I use it. I use it everyday, to help me grow backlinks as well as add friends at myspace. I definitely think it matters, and I know the "gurus" say it doesn't, but knowing what I know of the law of attraction I really think it matters if you use the product and are familiar with it. I find it difficult to write energetically about something I know nothing about. I don't have any stories to tell about the product and personally I feel like a liar when I'm recommending something I don't have the foggiest idea about. I also think people can feel the energy of those writings as much as the positive energy that comes out for things I use and love.

My recommendation would be to find some products you either use everyday in your life, or your business and then promote those. As you make some money you can get some other products, maybe more expensive products related to life or business, use them and then recommend them. Nothing wrecks your reputation faster than promoting a less than stellar product.

Ok on to my day.

Today I wrote an article about getting free network marketing leads. Free network marketing leads were my keywords. I found a couple new places to post my article. Associated Content will actually pay you for content, one of two ways. Up front for quality articles or by how many page views your articles get. The page views is between any and all article you publish there so it can add up pretty quickly if you are posting daily I imagine. is the other spot. I heard a podcast the other day and the guy said he gets a top 10 google listing within 6 minutes using this service. We shall see. It is pretty cool. Both of these places allow you to submit articles, video, audio, just about anything you want to get out there.

Research keywords: 20 minutes
Write article: 30 minutes
Post at 3 places: 30 minutes
Rework Myspace page ~ who knows.

Today my article was about using your story on myspace and other social networking sites to get free leads. It really works, and last night I was on a conference call and learned some new techniques to use on my pages. I love playing around on myspace, so it could be an all day time waster, but not really because it gets a yes answer to the question: Does this directly, in the now, serve my intention to do one thing and do it well. Getting leads definitely serves that purpose.

So please feel free to stop by and say hi over at Myspace and I will yak atcha later!!

Many Blessings!

Jackie Lee

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