Monday, November 5, 2007

Day 1 ~ Mary K

=====> sliding in at the end of the day... whew! LOL

It's been an exciting and revealing day! I've learned a lot about how I get side-tracked and how to get myself back on track. If it weren't for this experiment I don't believe I'd be on track yet! ;-)

I want to share my intentions for this venture --
  • To make $1000 in the next 30 Days
  • To engage in clear, specific actions around this project for a maximum of 2 hours daily
  • To share my results honestly and in a meaningful way so that others can expand on my experience to attain their own success
  • To become more consistent and disciplined in my writing
  • To create a system that can easily be duplicated by myself and others for sustaining the flow of cash
Okay... Since this is Day 1 I was going to confess that the day was a wash for me. Not true! As I went to write up my list of daily actions I realized that I didn't have the clarity I needed. So, today was a learn as you go kind of day.

Man... I now realize what a challenge it will be for me to share with you how long things are taking. I am appreciating the new clarity I've gained about how I actually take action in order to feel my way through to the clarity of what action to take! :-) Lest you're totally confused by that statement let me just explain that as I started writing up the 'Action List' I realized I had some prep work to do, like gathering links together and creating logins for various social bookmarking sites that I had previously overlooked. This took me hours... I don't know exactly how many because there were many interruptions and various distractions. As I move forward with this experiment I am going to set aside a couple of hours each day where I won't answer the phone or let myself get side-tracked by IM's ;-)

Now that I feel as though I have my feet on the ground I've come up with a plan that feels good.

For the next 30 Days I will:
  • Create a simple Squidoo lens based on chosen keywords
  • Write an article based on those chosen keywords
  • Submit article to directories
  • Ping and Bookmark the Squidoo Lens
  • Post one Ad
  • Post to one of my most relevant blogs
That's it... that's all. Six simple actions performed consistently that will result in my earning $1000 over the next 30 Days!!!

Wish me luck!!! See ya tomorrow!!

Mary K

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